Thursday, April 02, 2009

Britney Spears...007

We know so little about the actual ridiculousness of Britney's life because we read so many fake stories. There's no need for them, Britney's life is madness all on it's own, the weekly glossies can't even come up with the shite that really happens.

Brit's handlers are in the middle of trying to prolong the restraining order against her former "manager" Sam Lufti because they think he's bad for Britney. There was those stories a while back that Sam went Howard K. Stern on her ass by keeping her drugged while she was one flew over.

It's slim pickins for Brit when it comes to people that can be trusted but apparently in her mind Sam's still one of them.

Lutfi's sister, Christina, testified in court that she met Britney in a hotel sauna to sneak her a cell phone just this past January.

"[Britney] told me she wanted to get a hold of Sam," said Christina, 25,
whose brother had once been Spears's manager. "She wanted him to help her find a lawyer, and wanted someone to get a prepaid cell phone to her. She was scared
because her father was blackmailing her with visitation rights over her

Britney's father closely monitors her phone usage and when her security team found the phone in her purse it was immediately confiscated. I assume later she was beaten with wire hangers.

Sam's lawyers are saying there's no point in restraining Sam from Britney since Britney doesn't seem to fear him. But since the court still thinks she "lacks the capacity" to do just about everything I doubt that defense will fly.



jana said...

seriously I would love to know how truly unstable she really is...

hooper said...

Who knows. Her dad does seem very controlling. Maybe it is like "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane".