Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sam Gets Restrained Some More

A court has ordered that Sam Lutfi's restraining order against Britney Spears and her kids be extended three more years. Britney's dad was hoping to have the order restrain Sam from contacting him or Lynn Spears but that didn't happen.
Sam must stay "at least 100 yards away from Britney, her two sons, and her family members' homes, and must not harass Britney and her children, or contact them through phone, mail and email".
Britney's all stocked up on crazy so it's always a good idea to stop her from contacting someone like Sam Lutfi who's proved to be a whackjob.

I'm still holding onto that pregnancy rumor Brit...don't let me down.


jana said...

has there been any other word on her being preggers

jana said...

has there been any other word on her being preggers

K said...

What a freak this Dude is. Probably responsible for the whole train wreck that she was and is bordering on becoming again.