Friday, April 24, 2009

An issue that has been rocking the nation for the last couple of years is about to get addressed this season of the Hills. It's the sex tape rumor.
Spencer Pratt admits on camera that it was indeed him that started the rumor that Lauren and Brodie had a sex tape. These dumb asses seem to think this is equivalent to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
We all knew. He's a jackass.
Apparently he apologizes and blah blah blah.
In other Hills news Heidi and Spencer are getting married tomorrow in Pasadena. Vomit.

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hoop said...

Once again, please no spawning.

K said...

He has one of those faces you just want to punch. And that is before he has said a word. It's just see him and you hate him. There are a lot of peeps like that in T.O.

d said...

LOL at K!!!! A little out of character, but i'll take it!

i totally agree

hoop said...

I get you K. He reminds me of a hall monitor at school. He'd rat you out if he saw you smoking in the bathroom.