Monday, February 02, 2009

The New Alec Baldwin

So, here's something I just learned...Christian Bales' a HUGE ASSHOLE. Yep I can say that with all certainty.
A while back there was a story that he went nuts on a dude that walked in front of his scene while working on Terminator 4, well it turns out there's audio of it.
Click here to listen to the assness (yeah I just made it a word)that is Christian Bale.
Also I would like to stress that the scene was for Terminator 4. Get over yourself Buddy, it's not GD Shakespeare. Methinks even a jackass like you you can say "I'll be back" a couple more times and be able to pull it off.
**The language is NSFW , it's safe enough for my work but my job is not important so if yours is, you've been warned**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a knob...