Yesterday the Internet went at my work for basically the whole afternoon, I realized that I don't function without it, someone asked me to look up a number and I basically threw up my hands. I sounded like a spoiled child when I responded with "A phonebook? What are we Amish?"
Anyways that was the reason for lack of postage yesterday, my afternoon in the Internet dark.
I apologize and give you Bruno at the Madrid premiere of Bruno rocking a bull costume, Beastyality has a new mascot.
lol he is probably making fun of the role model movie
hey, when did you put the marc jacob link there? i just noticed it this morning and checked it out...but i'm curious to how long it's been there
A phonebook? I'll google it. Seems like I've heard of it.
you'll always be Borat to me....
Ok what in the hell are you talking about my ppl for....and why would the amish have a phone book?? Oh to get back to my roots
Just got a 911 text from Jewels saying her nternet is down and she wanted me to let you know........
LOL! i was just starting to wonder if she was in the "internet dark" again because she hasn't posted much
poor jewels :(
Somebody better check on her later to make sure that she is okay and to make sure that she hasn't harmed any of her co-workers.
She'll be in my prayers.
For real.....I wouldn't get in her way I know that much.
LOL, Jana...good point. Why would the Amish need a phonebook? My great grandmother was Pennsylvania Dutch which is like the Amish...no radio or TV.
Wow, if a big, tough guy like you is scared of your little sister, just think of the average person's chances of survival.
I tried to become Amish but they wouldn't let me in...they have this stupid rule that you have to be born into it...
I tried just hanging around and blending in but they were onto me
Why Jana, is it because they have such cool and sexy clothes?
K, it sounds like nobody was harmed. Whew, that was a close one...2 days in a row.
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