Monday, June 22, 2009

New Horizons

Ryan Seacrest is in talk with Lindsay Lohan for a new show.
Ryan twittered:
Met with lindsay last night about a show idea I have for helps people and gives others a second shot! Still putting it all together
And Lindsay's twitter:
"Working on a really great project for television -- I am excited! Something meaningful like Extreme Home Makeover on ABC… :)"

The last charity Lindsay was involved with was that crack outreach program, sharing her stash with the less fortunate. Every helping hand means one less blow job is performed.

The jump to television has been a long time coming, welcome to my hood.



hoop said...

Anything for a paycheck these days.

K said...

How the nighty have fallen. I do look forward to her life story though.....Movie of the week or something.
See what has to happen to fall this far.