Monday, December 01, 2008

Britney: for the record

Last night was the highly anticipated (I almost forgot...shout out to Melissa and her life saving text msg) airing of Britney: For the record , a 90 minute documentary that followed Britney for the last 60 days.
After watching this I have to say, this girl is messed up. She's lonely, sad, caged and confused, if this thing was supposed to prove anything other than that it was a great big failure. I mean we are all screwed up on so many levels but hers are on the more visible levels, the ones closer to the surface. She can't hide it. And there's one point where she says it point blank (while fighting back tears), "I'm sad" .
Some of my thoughts:
  • Britney's father genuinely cares about her, she seems to harbour some bad feelings but all in all their relationship seems normal.
  • What the hell happened to Madonna's British accent?
  • I wish Brit would have been on the meds that made her British accent come out :(
  • According to her Kevin left her
  • Her hairstylist should get a pay raise.
  • Her assistant has the best job EVER! That biatch did nothing!
  • She says shaving her head was a rebellion thing, that's a crock, the shaving her head thing was because she was batshit crazy, not because she wanted to feel free.

At the end the question guy asked her what she would say to people who thought she hasn't been honest enough, she responded, "I'll have a good book one day. A good, mysterious book."

I would have to say I was impressed by the fact that she didn't blame anyone but herself, there was no pointing fingers or "poor me" shite. She's completely aware of the fact that shew messed up severely and she's now paying the price.

Below are some randoms of Brit's weekend. Her in Paris, London, and her kids arriving in New York for her Good Morning America Appearance tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I watched the first little bit and then called it a day..I feel sorry for her..
so Kevin left her???

Anonymous said...

My impression at the end is that she's a spoiled, self absorbed headcase. Whenever they showed her around other people it was so obvious that everyone knew that she had to be the centre of attention.
I do hope for her kids sake that she stays above water and continues in her success.
Wasn't the interviewer the same guy that did that Michael Jackson documentary?

Anonymous said...

I guess at the end of the day she is keeping these ppl in a job so they are going to treat her in that manner...

JEWELS said...

The " I Hate F*ckin' waiting" line Melissa?

I was thrown a bit by that one too...just wait Ahole!

Anonymous said...

yeah yeah was like she was a baby and they all had to figure out how to keep her occupied so she didn't have a tantrum or fit

Anonymous said...

to be honest I hate waiting as well and if I didn't have to then I really wouldn't

Anonymous said...

Even if you were waiting for them to light fireworks in your honor? lol.....cuz that's what she was waiting for (the fireworks were for her video)