Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Brad Gets Attacked

Brad Pitt was roughed up at the screening of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button in Los Angeles last night.
He "was grabbed, pushed and spun around by a plainclothes security guard who had been hired by the venue to protect him from a pack of aggressive photographers. "
The dude apparently didn't know he was grabbing Brad and though it was a pap. Let's hope for the guards sake that the theatre is currently hiring ushers.
Brad apparently remained calm during the incident but something tells me Lil Z will not be pleased about this. Watch your back.
In other Jolie-Pitt news, Jennifer Aniston will appear on the December Issue of Vogue and in the interview she says "What Angelina did was very uncool". It's unclear what uncool thing(maybe the whole husband stealing business) she's referring to but it can't be as uncool as dating John Mayer.

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