I'm beginning to think that Justin Timberlake beat Cameron Diaz. She was the biggest box of crust when she was dating him. That's when I decided that I didn't like her.
Now that they're broken up she's laughing and smiling at the papz. Maybe she's smoking a lot more pot who know, but I like the new her.
I didn't understand your dislike for her because I am a fan..
Did she end it with him? I am now hesitant to make a move because who know's if he is really a good guy..
Just go for it Jana.
I would play it cool a little while longer JANJAN.
Go for it Jana-you're irrestistable!
Pot does do wonders sometimes (I think)
thanks my friends fo all your advice..
I think if he could here me sing him a song that would be it, I'd have him..
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