Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Take That Donkey!

Mel B on her daughther's name, Angel Iris Murphy Brown.

Angel, as she was my little angel through my pregnancy. Iris, as it’s my Grandma’s name, Murphy because he’s the Dad and Brown, because I’m the Mum.”




Anonymous said...

I would have to think that he is the dad. Either that or she was incredibly drunk one night and can't remember the actual dad

JEWELS said...

Yeah nobody would go so much in the public eye if there was a shred of doubt.

Anonymous said...

Wow-what a difference in appearance on the magazine cover

Anonymous said...

JuJu what are you talking about what about all those people that go on Maury that are 150% sure and then....YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER..it does not make it true just because you wish it my friends..in saying that I think he is the pops..
Murphy Brown though..LOL