Friday, October 26, 2007

The Real Lohan

Dina Lohan's reality show's gonna start filming soon. The enabler of a mother thinks that this show will help the public see the Lohan's in a new light.

"It’s about empowering women to be successful single mothers. About being in the limelight without compromising motherhood. It’s about what I do, how you can be successful, and be a single mom and fulfilling your kids’ dreams. Working is my sole source of income."
"We want it just to be real. It’s okay if it’s not as crazy as the tabloids make it."
Her sole source of income is her daughter. Whom she's so afraid to say anything to because she's on her payroll.
Single mothers hear that.


Anonymous said...

dina makes me sick, "it's about what i do, how you can be successful, and be a single mom and fulfilling your kids' dreams". i just erased a bunch of rammbling i had, but i really can't stand her.

Anonymous said...

So this is a reality show about Lindsay's life with her family?