Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Totally Random...sorry

I would like for UPS to die a slow and painful death.
There is no company/thing/group of people/asshole delivery service that I hate more.
That is all.

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hoop said...

Why? I haven't had a problem. The deliver stuff to me all of the time.

eva said...

I'm 100% with you Jewels I have nothing but problems and they are so RUDE! They deliver things to my house when I'm not home and you can't schedule a time for them to come. If I want to pick the package up I have to go to Vaughan yes Vaughan and I live in Scarborough does that make sense. Also they once delivered the package (a MacBook so yes expensive) to the wrong address. WTF?? I can't stand them I'm glad someone else feels the pain haha and last you should be able to request to have no signature and just to leave of at the door and I take responsibility. I'm done now :)

JEWELS said...

Thank you Eva.


K said...


No real issues on my part. Just trying to fit in.

hoop said...

They do leave my packages at my front door if I am not at home but usually it is from Zappos who insure their stuff.

JEWELS said...

Oh...Zappos, how I love the multiview pictures...

hoop said...

I get most of my shoes from there because stores don't carry my size and shipping both ways is free. AND yes, it is UPS. There is a store across from my office so it is convenient. Yep, I like the muliviews too.