I don't watch American Idol but it seems as though the people that do were going into Cardiac Arrest when Kris was announced as the winner. From reading the news about it I also thought Adam had it in the bag.
I know we have some readers who watch so what did you think? Approve or disapprove?
I like to see the under dog win. Adam is more talented though.
Outrageous! I was in shock. This is injustice at it's worst.
Do you even watch Bud?
Adam is the better sing for sure and more of a star and I think deserved to win as it's a show about singing....although I do like Kris but he is like the gig at your local pub that you love to go and see
Not a single episode but it was all the rage of the morning radio shows this AM so I believe this makes me an expert on the subject at hand.
I hate this GD show.
Tried to watch it when it first came out but didn't even make it to the first commercial.
I can't believe that they cover this crap on the evening news.
I don't understand why the media was so shocked. I loved Kris - true they are both so talented and will be multi-millionaries before the end of the week with their new record deals and endorsements - so who cares who actually won in the end. I actually feel kinda bad for Kris for all the backlash this is causing. People are freaking out - why? He got the most votes people.
I agree with Jana...Adam was the better singer, had more talent and more stage presence than Chris. Chris just seems to be the guy from the local pub croonin' on the weekends to make a few bucks. Sorry, but I think the voters got it wrong. Maybe it was Adam's "guyliner" they couldn't handle...but I for one loved it on him.
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