Friday, May 01, 2009


Lindsay Lohan launched her her self tanner, Sevin Nyne, at a Sephora in Santa Monica yesterday.

How someone can promote a self tanner with a face like that I have no clue. Her face looks like my fingers do after peeling a stubborn orange.

It was a good idea to go to Hawaii before the launch 'cause she could have picked up a real tan and passed it off as her product's magic. Too bad that didn't happen...there's no magic here.


jana said...

LMAO a stubborn orange....oh man I hate those bastards but I never give up the fight to peel them open

JEWELS said...

LOL...never back down

hoop said...

I have a really easy way to peel oranges. Being from Florida, I have had a lot of practice. I will try to explain...cut the peel from the "butt" to the stem in 4 places and then peel the large pieces. Should come right off. I hope that this makes sense. Wish I could show you.

Anyway...with her complexion she should avoid tanning. She'll just turn orange. And she does not look like she is only 22.

Jewels...never back down. LOL..while humming Tom Petty's "Don't Back Down".