Friday, May 30, 2008

No Drugs

Steven Tyler has revealed that he went to rehab to recover from a foot surgery.
"The doctors told me the pain in my feet could be corrected but it would
require a few surgeries over time," Tyler says in a statement released Thursday.
"The 'foot repair' pain was intense, greater than I'd anticipated. The months of
rehabilitative care and the painful strain of physical therapy were traumatic. I
really needed a safe environment to recuperate where I could shut off my phone
and get back on my feet. Make no mistake, Aerosmith has no plans to stop
rocking. There's a new album to record, then another tour."
I'm not sure about the new album and tour but definitely good luck with the foot thing!


Anonymous said...

ok so ppl really go to rehab due to foot pain, depression, sleep problems and exhaustion??? No longer is it just for drugs and alcohole abuse..I'm stressed so I guess I just head off to rehab

JEWELS said...

They are like Spas now, really exspensive spas

Anonymous said...

I'll just stick to my own way of stress-relief...vino

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe they are afraid of becoming addicted again to the pain meds or the antidepressants etc...what better place to be monitored than in rehab??? Who knows

Anonymous said...

rehab is for everything now