Friday, May 23, 2008

Call Children's Services

Celine needs to get rid of her son's hair, it getting ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

I would have heart failure..
K was on the kick of growing his hair long but after days & weeks of me asking him to get a haircut he caved and gave into my wishes..although, the wee bugger is back at it again with the hair "it's my hair and I can do what I like with it"..WTF is that shite?

JEWELS said...

That's when the kid get a visit from me in the middle of the night with my razor.

K doesn't want it as long as this though right? Just like Zack Efronish right?

Anonymous said...

yeah like zack and cody..I don't know who you are talking about..but it's not going to happen I can't take it