Friday, May 30, 2008


Gone Country

Jessica Simpson has finally realised that she's not accepted in the pop world and moved on over to country. She even bought the hat so there's no turning back.
She's releasing her album this year and we've already got an ear piercing first single. Click here to listen, keep the volume low unless you want all the neighbourhood dogs congregating around your computer.

Disney With Daddy
She's Nuts

Cameron Diaz attended the Lakers vs. Spurs game last night and she was seated next to Antonio Banderes.
Um has she seen Melanie Griffith? She would kick Cameron's ass. Watch your back homes...

No Drugs

"The doctors told me the pain in my feet could be corrected but it would
require a few surgeries over time," Tyler says in a statement released Thursday.
"The 'foot repair' pain was intense, greater than I'd anticipated. The months of
rehabilitative care and the painful strain of physical therapy were traumatic. I
really needed a safe environment to recuperate where I could shut off my phone
and get back on my feet. Make no mistake, Aerosmith has no plans to stop
rocking. There's a new album to record, then another tour."
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Clay Aiken Knocked Someone Up....

'"Jaymes Foster (who is reportedly in her late 40s) was artificial
inseminated with the 29-year-old singer's sperm, according to the
Aiken lives with Foster – described as his "best friend" – when he's
in L.A. and plans to be involved with parenting their child, TMZ reports."
Bill Murray Getting Divorced...And Restrained
Promotion Promotion

Sharon's Sorry

Dior has dropped Sharon Stone or all their Chinese Ads because of her ridiculous comment about the Chinese Earthquake being Karma. They also released a statement from the fur monger herself.
“Due to my inappropriate words and acts during the interview, I feel deeply
sorry and sad about hurting Chinese people. I am willing to take part in the
relief work of China’s earthquake, and wholly devote myself to helping affected
Chinese people.”
Just stop trying, you're done.
Send Her Ass To Jail

"Campbell was charged on six counts – three for assaulting a constable, two for
using threatening, abusive words or behavior toward the cabin crew and one for
disorderly conduct..."
Losers In Mexico

Heidi and Spencer are vacationing in Mexico and they made a spectacle of themselves as usual. Drinking champagne, reading Forbes and frolicking on the beach.
Normal people don't do things like this when they go to Mexico. They drink all day and then they fight over someone looking twice at a another swim suited person they drink some more and then eventually pass out in a drunken stooper. Then you wake up just before dinner, eat have some more drinks and head to the really lame disco.

pic source
Sex And MY City

This Is What Pregnancy Looks Like

"While many have speculated about this, we wanted to wait until after the
first trimester to officially confirm that we are expecting our first child,"
they wrote on Wentz's site, friendsorenemies.com. "This is truly the most joyous time in our
lives and we are excited to share the happy news and start our family."
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
You Still Alive?

Intouch Magazine is reporting that Sarah Larson and George Clooney have called it quits, well that George has called it quits, Sarah I'm sure is somewhere in Vegas filling out her application for the nest instalment of The Bachelor.
They say George is relieved to be single again and it only took him so long to break up with her because she's a sweet girl.
Also keep in mind that it's Intouch reporting this.
Neck Problems

A Rachel Ray commercial for Dunkin Donuts has been pulled for the air because conservative say the scarf she is wearing resembles a keffiyeh, Political blogger Michelle Malkin says "The keffiyeh, for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad." Thanks for the definition biotch.
Dunkin Donuts first ignored the attention but eventually pulled the commercial. Here's Malkin's response to that.
"It's refreshing to see an American company show sensitivity to the concerns
of Americans opposed to Islamic jihad and its apologists. Too many of them bend
over backward in the direction of anti-American political correctness....
Fashion statements may seem insignificant, but when they lead to the
mainstreaming of violence -- unintentionally or not -- they matter. Ignorance is
no longer an excuse. In post-9/11 America, vigilance must never go out of
Well I wont be wearing my Sari to her dinner party now will I?
A Slap On the Wrist

"As a result of today's proceedings, Gary has been given diversion (a drug
treatment program)," his lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley said outside the Lawson
Justice Center. "He very much regrets what happened and he's very embarrassed by
what occurred, but he's looking forward to moving on and getting back to work."
Just another case of celebrity justice.
Tabloid Round Up

Brad and Angie dominate the rags this week, there's a Nanny tell all, a revelation that Shiloh's lonely, and the inevitable pregnancy health scare story that comes out monthly.
Brit got a happy cover and Heidi, who should count her luck stars got her moment in the spotlight as well.
Crap or not it grabs the eye.

MJ Squared
Dead Inside
Xzibits Loss

"AS you all know, I shared with you the announcment of my newborn son Xavier
Kingston Joiner on may 15th and also informed you that he was born prematurly.
well this week was extremly difficult for him because his lungs were not strong
enough to handle regular oxygen on his own. Xavier passed away this morning at
3:30am and I must tell you this, It is unatural for a parent to bury a child. I
am telling you this because of the same reason I tell you when im having great
times, life is too short to be fake. Hold on to your kids if you have them,
protect them and show them you love them everyday you wake up and see them, dont take a second you get to hug them teach them and care for them for granted. You can have all the material wealth in the universe but it is NOTHING compared to having your family. I am thankful for all of my blessings and im not one to
question God’s perfect plan, so I leave you with great love and thanks for the
love that was sent earlier on my pervious blog to my son. Of course I need to
take some time and handle my loss, STAY FOCUSED PEOPLE. Its not promised to any
of us."