SP and his bodyguard seem tight...homies for life if you will. I'm not sure if it was him or the Nanny that approved this socks and sandals look, but either way someone should be fired for this.

And Britney was also seen shopping and causing a paparazzi firestorm, so much so that a police escort had to be called.
Lay off the tanning sista.
I would just like to point this out. She's shopping, and her son, who she carried in her womb for 9 months, is being taken to Gymboree by his bodyguard. She can't physically live with her son but she can go online and see her son in paparazzi pictures, if she hasn't seen them in a couple of days, "Ah well let's just head over to TMZ.com and see what the kids are up to! "
It freaks me out.
Take your kids to the playroom ho! OK I know she's got the crazy so maybe she's not legally allowed but where the hell is Kevin?
I'm rambling...
I hear you sista...one of these two should steo up and become a GD parent...and part of that means spending time with your kids...fools
It's scary that anyone could be a parent. I would be dead if anyone took my daughter away from me. I would fight everyday to see her and to be with her. I guess making the kids is a lot easier then raising them???
Sadly yeah...
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