Jay Leno is in trouble with GLADD. In a recent interview with Ryan Phillipe, Jay addressed the fact that Ryan was cast as the first openly gay teen in One Life To Live. Jay then asked Ryan to look into the camera and give his gayest look. Jay said, "Can you give me your gayest look? Say that camera is Billy Bob ... Billy Bob has just ridden in shirtless from Wyoming."
Ryan replied "Wow, That is so something I don't want to do."
GLADD was not happy, President Neil G Gulliani says "We are proud of Ryan for refusing to participate in Leno's thoughtless attempt at humor. Under the guise of comedy, the talk-show host is demonstrating a lack of respect for the gay community and insensitivity to both his co-workers and the audience, to whom he owes an apology."
I would have been happy with any face Ryan was making, as long as it was on his way over to my house.
Anyways, Leno apologized in a statement to People Magazine: "In talking about Ryan's first role, I realize that what I said came out wrong. I certainly didn't mean any malice. I agree it was a dumb thing to say, and I apologize."
did Liza not read the article??
Alright he said sorry so move on
Ahh I see...I accidentally pushed publish before there was text...she got nothin'.
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