Peta scares the shite out of me...seriously.
They had a little something to say about Sharon Stone's choice of accessories at an Oscar Party last night.
"Maybe Sharon, passed over by the Academy yet again, was jealous of Ratatouille's Oscar win and thought a rodent paw might go with her haggard look. Her accessories these days are as dead as her career."
LONG LIVE PETA! ..for real red paint scares me. How on earth would I get that stuff out of my Mink.
first of all wtf is the point of that god awful brooch
exactly-it's ugly and a bit scary
i don't have an opinion on whether or not i believe wearing fur is wrong, but this brooch wrong!! a paw is NEVER appropriate...it's quite disgusting! is she wearing my cat?!?...why would anyone wear this???
LOL to D's comment is she wearing my cat..............
that's what I am wondering does that outfit get planned around the paw or the paw around the outfit..can you imagine thinking that one out "what shoes go best with fluffy's foot"....
Oh no anon was me
Dare to be different ladies....a wee paw here and there never hurt anybody!
I actually prefer the face as a broach...
now that's thinking outside the box!
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