The New Kids On The Block made their appearance this morning on The Today Show. I applaud them for wearing suits rather than bandannas and Hammer pants.
Click here to watch them, there's no performance, but they do say they will be on tour by the Fall. Donnie claims, "Music brought us back." a.k.a. I don't want to take out another mortgage on my house.
ok so we have
Danny, Jordan, Donnie, Joey..GD it who is the other one???
Liza are you getting tickets?
Jon, no one's fave really
I saw Jon on Oprah a few years back and he said he has crazy stage fright-he actually had said he would never perfrom on stage again.
Yeah he said that on their E True Hollywood story as well, he was doing real estate.
Guess the real estate wasn't working out for him
Oh my gosh.. I am so excited. I feel like such an ass. But it brings me so back. Plus Jordan reminds me of my ex. It just brings a smile to my face. I have to say they still are looking pretty good.
I am such a nerd.
damn straight i am getting tickets are you in janjan???
Marie Anne, I agree they do all still look well.
are they really going to have a concert..and bust out all their dance moves.."you got the right stuff, baby"
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