Bobby Brown is writing a book called Bobby Brown: The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But. Bobby holds nothing back and singles Whitney Houston out as the reason for his drug abuse. A sample:
"I never used cocaine until after I met Whitney. Before then, I had experimented with other drugs, but marijuana was my drug of choice. At one point in my life, I used drugs uncontrollably. I was using everything I could get my hands on, from cocaine to heroin, weed and cooked cocaine."
I don't know about you but I think Bobby is an intelligent and rational thinking man who has never given the public a reason to not believe him. TEAM BOBBY!
Yeah cuz all drug addicts use because of someone else!!! Poor guy!! TEAM BOBBY!
I have been around a lot of drugs in my life and even dated a person really into drugs but that didn't mean I jumped on the bandwagon..just because they are there Bobby and everyone else is doing them doesn't mean that you have to..it's called will power..just say NO dude..
"no team Bobby here"
I was being completely sarcastic - I'm right with you Jana.
Oh I know..but I always think the real ppl might be on Julie's blog so....
BB tunes in daily...
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