While driving near him home in Telluride, Collorado, Tom Cruise took the opportunity to be a good Samaritan to a woman who's car veered off the road and was stuck. An onlooker says:
“The police were waiting with the woman for a tow truck and all of a sudden, a Hummer pulled up and it was Tom Cruise!”
Tom was in the car with Katie and the three kids. After assessing the situation Tom and his Bodyguard helped push the woman's car out of the snow.
That's my Tommy. He more than likely left her a Scientology recruit pack at the end of it but still, it was very nice.
I like hearing about this kind of stuff
Me too, for anyone really even the stories in the papers about good samaritans
this was my fav TC movie
for me it's Cocktail (of course the fact that most of it is based in Jamaica doesn't hurt either) I actually think that movie made me want to go there
I'm a sucker for Jerry Mcguire...
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