Tuesday, July 17, 2007

This Girl Can't Do Anything

Britney Spears bought a dog and she's getting flack from the Humane Society. In an official press release the Organization basically that Spear's decision was too hasty she sucks as a dog owner, and supports puppy mills. HARSH!

"Most dogs sold in pet stores come from puppy mills -- factory-like facilities, churning out purebred and "designer" puppies in large numbers...Every time someone purchases a dog from a pet store, they risk perpetuating the horrendous business of puppy mills."

"Choosing a dog is a major lifestyle decision that should not be taken lightly. We suggest that people take time to choose a member of their family, and to be sure they are working with a reputable breeder."

I hope it's a toy Yorkie because as soon as it gets big it's out of will. Seriously though, leave the girl alone. So she bought a puppy, even if she doesn't take care of it, I'm sure she has a staff that will. I doubt it will go without love.



Anonymous said...

This is a load of shite. Leave her alone....she's an idiot and we all know that but a yorkie.....I don't see the fuss.

Anonymous said...

at the end of the day she needs to throw away this pink wig and put on a bra