Lindsay Lohan has been caught on film snorting coke and acting a fool. Her "friend" released the footage because she says she wants the world to know what Lindsay's really like. In other words she needed some cash for her own coke habit.
Lindsay's anonymous friend claims Lindsay has in no way tried to get clean and that her rehab stint was merely a publicity stunt.
In the video Lindsay and her gaggle of girls enter the bathroom and Lindsay scans the stalls before her and girls cram into a stall. Linds then pulls out a baggy of coke.
She does some lines off her hand and then shoves some up her friends schnoz.
The friend seems to be a reliable source since she was in the stall to begin with. She says, "That night I saw her do more than 20 big lines of cocaine. She was still up doing drugs at 11am even though she had started about 8pm the night before. "
Lindsay also brags about her sexual conquests which include: James Blunt, Jude Law, Calum Best, Joaquin Phoenix, Benicio Del Toro, Jared Leto and James Franco .
I'd still tap that! woo!
You didn't even have to leave your name on that one man....I would have known exactly who left it. lol.
lol...Nice to see some things never change...
you know a true friend when....
I would be fuming
Again I say it must be a crazy feeling when you have no one to trust.
trust or thrust?
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