Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Katie Holmes = Pornstar?

Katie Holmes and camp are furious over a young lady's (pictured above) attempt to use Katie's name for promotion of debut porn flick.
"A blond-haired, blue-eyed fashion student, who claims to be a virgin, has changed her name to Katee Holmes and is launching a porn career in which she'll be deflowered in her first movie. And that's got the real Katie Holmes' camp in an uproar."
The future porn star insist that the use of the name is a compliment because Ms. Holmes represents such innocence. Lawsuits are in progress. I'm sure Tom's army of power suits can fix this quick.


habsrule said...

katee looks hot!!

Anonymous said...

This is a wee bit sick no?

JEWELS said...

I think Katie is beautiful...even before she had Tom's money for designer duds, she had really good style.