Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Dead Do Docs

A Punk staple "Doc Martins" have launched a new campaign and the goal is to prove that Docs are made to last (apparently even in the afterlife) . The campaign uses late rockers Kurt Cobain, Sid Vicious, Joey Ramone and Joe Strummer.
"We wanted to communicate that Dr. Martens boots are ‘made to last,’ and we discovered that these idolized musicians wore them. Showing them still wearing their Docs in heaven dramatized the boots’ durability perfectly. And, as images, they feel very iconic."
This ad is only permitted to run in the UK. I feel bad even looking at them, like they are being exploited. Even if they actually wore docks I don't think any of these men would have signed up to be a spokes model for anything.


Anonymous said...

This is re-god-damn-diculous. This is so far past exceptable it's not even funny.

Cobain never would have done this...NEVER.

And I can tell you one other thing too....Sid Vicious ain't in no heaven!

Neither is Joe Strummer...banished to hell for a brutal cover of redemtion song.

Can I write to someone about this. This is Horrible.

JEWELS said...

I knew you would be outraged.

Doc Martin
10 Doc Martin Lane

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is a very odd way of making a statement..Docs are durable because the dead are wearing them..what a strange concept

Anonymous said...

Julie PIMP!