Wednesday, January 16, 2008

John Sticks Up For Jessica

If you read this blog regularly you know I don't follow sports and anytime I see any news that eventually lead to talk of downs or points or assists I start doing inventory of my shoes in my head.
But I have been noticing that Dallas is pissed at Jessica Simpson because her current boyfriend and Dallas Cowboy's star Tony Romo has been playing like shite since he starting dating her.
Guess who's coming to her rescue! JOHN MAYER!
He writes on his blog:
Dear Dallas and Surrounding Areas,
This isn't a sports blog, and it isn't a publicity stunt. (but have at me if it feels right.)
This is about doing what I think is right as a person, in this case speaking my mind.
I have never known anyone to have more pride in their home state and their upbringing in it than Jessica Simpson has in Texas. I don't really follow sports, but I have played some of my biggest and best concerts in your state, and having witnessed how dynamic the spirit there is, I'm betting emotions are running high right about now.
All witty barbs, blogs, and fashion policing aside, that girl loves Texas more than you know. It's one of her most defining traits as a person. So please don't try and take that away from her. (You probably wouldn't be able to, but it's less work for all involved.)
I just thought it would mean something coming from the guy who has the absolute least to gain from this. And if I'm out of line in having written it, too bad.
I can spare a Wednesday's worth of bad press if it means sticking up for a good soul.


Anonymous said...

Ahh that's nice..wee johnny..
PPL are crazy as if he is playing shite becasue they are dating..sports people are all LOCO

Anonymous said...

They're preparing for a win or go home playoff game and he goes on a Mexican vacation with her......Not all her fault by any means but maybe stay out of the limelight. Football fans would stab a chick in the states

JEWELS said...

"stab a chick" lol