Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Kevin Federline threw a pool party for Lil' JJ at his house, only family and close friends permitted. JJ will turn ONE tomorrow and Sean P will be TWO on Friday.

Grandma and Grandpa Spears were there, and Kevin's assistant was seen picking up the balloons. Why he has an assistant I have no clue.

And Britney was spotted landing back in LA after a crazy weekend in Las Vegas which included a bomb performance and Juje's for all to see. She so looks well rested and bright eyed...not hung over AT ALL!



Anonymous said...

was she not at the party..

JEWELS said...

Nope...in Vegas...priorities my friend

Anonymous said...

they said on the radio that she was partying the entire week-end before her live show..way to get prepared Brit..

Anonymous said...

seems like she has changed all her priorities when it comes to her entertainment career (i wouldnt dare to say singing career since she can;t sing a lick) she use to work really hard at her routines mainly because she couldnt sing but not she cant do either - she should fade herself out of the lime light

Anonymous said...

Not sure I would go to the party either......I would throw one myself. Better than the other one too!!! We all know Brit can throw a party.