Thursday, August 23, 2007

No Felony Charges For Lindsay Lohan

The D.A. has only filled misdemeanor charges against Lindsay Lohan. She now only faces up to 4 days in jail. All this because the amount of cocaine found on her was less than .05 grams.
Even though she was hammered and smashed into a tree and then was hammered again and chased someone in her car across LA, she still won't be charged on a federal level. And I'm sure the fact that she wasn't charged will make her never do it again..."whew...close call, I better not do that again."
Click here to read about it because I can't anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so her rehab stint has paid off already...good thinking and yeah I am sure it is taken as a lesson learned and not just sitting back laughing and thinking look what I got away with...