Wednesday, September 03, 2008


So last night was the long awaited and long loathed premiere of 90210, I gotta say troops, I freaking loved it!
It was cheese, but I am a fan of cheese. I invite cheese into my living room all the time, with my scripted reality shows and all that other shite that I consider quality programming.
There were a couple of characters that I really liked, like the teacher who's pursuing Kelly Taylor. The grandmother, Tabitha, who's love of the juice is both relateable and believable, and Ethan who's convinced me that he's worthy of the hot/popular but nice/honest traits ala Mr. Brandon Walsh.
Everyone else was didn't really stand out to me but don't worry I have time. Donna didn't stand out in the first episode of BH90210 but she ended up being stalked, involved in an abusive relationship, got drunk and banned from graduation, and who could forget the mermaid costume.
Random thoughts:
-Aunt Becky hasn't changed a bit
-What the hell is up with Brenda's teeth, JACKED UP!
-Why just because someone has matches from San Francisco do you assume they went there. At the age of fifteen I could have turned that into a lie that made me come off as a Martyr
-Kelly and Brenda were not supposed to greet each other with a hug, it was supposed to be a bitch slap followed by head butt
-Nat doesn't serve Lattes he serves Mega Burgers and Peach Pie!
So opinions anyone?


Anonymous said...

oh yes I do..where was Nat's PP outfit?
Who is the father of Kelly's son?
Why do Annie and Dixon seem to have the gayest realtionship in the world?

I liked the teacher and the dad/principal..
Brenda looks like hell run over..
I loved Ethan but took him to be the Dylan of the group..I thought that Dixon was the new Brandon...

I'll so be in next week..and yeah I never would have thought having matches from San Fran means you went there and I doubt back when I was 15 Aggs would have thought that either..but then again we are not the rich and famous

JEWELS said...

Apparently Dylan's the kids dad...dum dum duuuum!