Katherine Heigle gets on my nerves a lot and I've said it many times in the past. Her character on Grey's annoys me and her personality in real life makes me want to stab her in the eye.
Katherine pulled herself out of the running for the Emmy nominations this year because she felt her story lines weren't worthy of an Emmy, I say the writers should pull a Drake Ramore on her ass and send her down an elevator shaft.
My feelings are what makes this letter (to Katherine) from an editor at NY Magazine an even better read for me, it makes me feel better that I'm not alone.
Dear Katherine (Kate? Katie?),
So you’ve acted out once again (no pun intended!). You’ve withdrawn your
name from Emmy eligibility, because, in your words, ”I did not feel that I was
given the material this season to warrant an Emmy nomination.” And now you’ve
started a fight with the writers of Grey’s Anatomy. Their feelings are hurt,
Katie: “It’s an ungrateful slap in the face,” one show insider told EW. You
actually won the Emmy for supporting actress last year, which was really so
lovely for you. So why, this year, are you so sure your material doesn’t even
warrant a nomination? Let’s think.
Okay, Heigl, we agree that Izzie’s story lines have become increasingly
marginal and unbelievable. Lately, everyone on the show seems to think that
Izzie’s completely irritating. So do we! We actually groan aloud when your perky
face appears onscreen! There’s a theory we have about this, Katherine, so listen
closely. Have you ever thought that maybe the writers are incorporating your own
personality into that of your character? Because we read a lot of women’s
magazine and gossip sites, and we think we kind of know you at this point. And
guess what? You’re totally annoying and self-righteous, just like Izzie!
Of course, we, too, were offended by Isaiah Washington. He called your
on- and-off-screen best friend, T.R. Knight, a faggot, and that’s just uncalled
for. You established yourself as Knight’s defender and kept speaking to the
press about how Washington should be fired. So we guess that’s nice of you and
all, but you really should have let your friend fight his own battle. You ended
up looking pretty darn priggish.
And then (and then!) you called your own hit movie, Knocked Up, “a little sexist.” You have a right to
your opinion, and we might even agree with you. But you were Apatow’s first
choice for that movie, you did it, you made lots of money, and it made you a
certified movie star. What possessed you to bash it? Do you think you’re above
the work that you do? It was a comedy, and you profited tremendously. You’re no
Streep, honey, and even she does Abba with a smile.
Now we’re going to throw you a bone: We think you’re a talented comedic
actress. That’s right, your timing is much better than most, and you have a
goofy onscreen persona that combines nicely with your California-girl looks.
Plus, My Father the Hero was one of our favorite movies growing up, so we’ll always have a soft spot for
you, Heig-y. Though last week, in a dark moment, we watched 27 Dresses on
demand. Now that was a case of writers messing up your material.
So please take our advice. Grey’s Anatomy is a soap opera. Get off your
high horse, missy. You talk all about the integrity of the Academy? Ha! You know
they’re giving an Emmy to a reality-TV show host this year, right? Stop pissing
off your writers and directors and castmates. We want to like you, Katherine,
really. Please stop making it so hard to do so.Warmest regards,
Emma Rosenblum
HA! Take that!
Katherine is seen above on a vacation with her new husband who I like to call you're screwed now.
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