A voicemail from Charlie Sheen to Denise Richards was leaked on the web and in it he called her many names including "f**king ni**er" and a "f**king c**t". The clip was pulled just as fast as it hit but Charlie issued a statement apologising for his words.
“I deeply apologize by my choice of words to all I have obviously offended;
especially to Tony Todd, an African-American, who was my best man at my first
two weddings. And for the record, my children did not show up today for a
custodial visit without explanation. So three and one-half years later, the
reasons that caused the anger and frustration displayed on that voice mail
continue to be manifested on a daily basis.”
Maybe you should try not being an A-hole Charlie. Issued apologies don't always clear up everything.
Seriously how is this dude still in show business? Hookers, racial slurs, child porn?
I don't get the first name he called her..doesn't make sense to me..
both of these two are jokers if you ask me..I am sure it leaked with her help
The N word. I don't get it either...
They deserve each other.
LOL I got that part but I just wasn't sure why is calling her that
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