Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Matty Mc C Get's Tipsy

Star Magazine has pictures of Matthew McConaughey partying, I guess because his
girlfriend's pregnant they are saying this is bad.

"He already seemed to be drunk when he arrived alone, and he only
got worse from there on. He was putting the make on every woman in his path,
throwing his arms around them and trying to kiss them, and trying to dirty-dance
with a few out on the floor. But he was a mess, slurring his words and stumbling

Well maybe the kissing and "dirty-dancing" is not the greatest, but the slurring words and stumbling is what everyone does on Saturday no?


Anonymous said...

isn't this carry on old?

Anonymous said...

Sounds pretty much like every Saturday I have ever had.

Anonymous said...

LOL you dirty dancing???