Nicole Kidman graces the pages and cover of Vogue in their newest issue.
.”On how carrying a child is something new and
overwhelming: “When I first saw the baby on the ultrasound, I started
crying. I didn’t think I’d get to experience that in my lifetime. I like the
unpredictable nature of it. To feel life growing with you is something very, very special, and I’m going to embrace that completely. I don’t believe inflittering around the edges of things. You’re either going to walk through life and experience it fully or you’re going to be a voyeur. And I’m not a voyeur.”On her and husband Keith Ubran never being apart for more
than five days at a time: “I’m so committed to this relationship, and
so is he. I don’t have addiction problems, but love is a very powerful force in my life. It’s my fatal flaw and my virtue.”
On her knees splaying out at a 45-degree angle during the
interview: “The whole experience is so primal… Just look at how I’m
sitting here with my legs apart. This is the way you have to sit when you’re pregnant

The spread is promoting her new film with Hugh Jackman Australia, the preview is enough to make you wanna nap.
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she bugs me in general
Sitting with her legs opened at a 45 degree angle? "this is how pregnant women have to sit". Oh please Nicole! Her tummy isn't big enough to even have this comment make sense. Plus she was sitting cross legged just fine at a recent awards show for her husband. She really should not be allowed to give interviews. She always comes across sounding stupid.
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