Thursday, February 08, 2007

Disaster Written All Over It

Boy bands are not great, but some squeek by and actually make a lot of money. But when you take one member from four HAS BEEN boy bands to make one new boy band then it's destined for disaster.

Ladies and Gentlemen meet SURESHOT. The members:

"Chris Kirkpatrick of NSync fame, Jeff Timmons from 98º, Bryan Abrams from Color Me Bad, and Rich Cronin from LFO."

This is gonna be painful. You can check out their myspace page here.



JEWELS said...

I know!

Anonymous said...

OMG Liza is probably already lined up to buy tickets for their first gig ; )

JEWELS said...

LMAO! Liza are you really upset Donnie didn't make the cut!

Anonymous said...

I bet she has been on the horn asking "why not donnie"..

Anonymous said...

hahahaaaahhahhaahahahahhaahhaaaahahaahahahahahaha!!!! what a joke....Pop boy bands are done, thank God! Now we just have to convert the rest of the world to Tool fans and everything will roll along nice and smoothly....

Anonymous said...

yeah Tool is music for the whole family..