Vergie Arthur (Anna Nicole's mother) was on Good Morning America and gave her opinion on the cause of death.
"I think she had too many drugs, just like Danny," Vergie Arthur told ABC's Good Morning America on Friday, referring to Smith's son Daniel, who died in September at age 20.
(A private coroner hired by the Smith family has said Daniel's death, which is still being investigated in the Bahamas, was the result of a lethal combination of medications including methadone, Zoloft and Lexapro.)
"I tried to warn her about drugs and the people she hung around with," Arthur told GMA. "She didn't listen. She was too drugged up."
We'll see. The autopsy is being proformed as we speak in Florida.
This chick makes me sick - usng Anna Nicole's death to get publicity - I saw ANS in an interview and she wouldn't even talk about her childhood because it was too painful - this broad needs to sit back and think about why her daughter "had too many drugs"
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