Friday, December 08, 2006

Lindsay...the author?

Lindsay is know for her late night rambling emails sent to whoever will listen to her. Well she sent this one out yesturday to her staff friends and family, about her life and how they could fix her image and make her on top again. She's even suggesting some political heavy hitters to aide the rebuilding.

"Al Gore will help me. He came up to me last night and said he would be very happy to have a conversation with me. If he is willing to help me, let's find out. Hilary [sic] Clinton, Bill Clinton, and Evan Metroplis [sic], and John Daur who works with them would be willing, if we just ask. If we just ASK."…

The actress proceeds to state her desire to "release a politically/morally correct, fully adequite [sic] letter to the press," adding she wants to voice her opinions on "how our society should be educated for the better of our country. Our people . . . because I have such an impact on our younger generations, as well as generations older than me. Which we all know and can obviously see."

Lindsay concludes that she wants to "hold a press conference" and "will do anything necessary to do so," adding that she is at "such a young and tender age in a woman's life. It's enough already, I've had enough and I am going to be the one to make a change."

Al Gore's people were contacted and they said he has only met her once at a function and their conversation was brief. This girl needs help for real though. I can just picture her sitting up @ 5am all cracked out wondering where all the bugs are comming from.



Anonymous said...

Wow - this chick needs a reality check! Probably it'll be a few years before she really realizes what she's doing to herself.

JEWELS said...


Anonymous said...

yep-and E true Hollwwood story.

Anonymous said...

Man she really let it all get to her head and then decided to make it worse by becoming a crackhead..
What is she talking about that she has an influence on both the younger and older generations..I have never heard anyone quoting something by her..maybe it's the voices in her head