Friday, August 29, 2008

Here we go again. Michael Lohan's responce to Samantha's myspace blog.

"Who's out of control? Whose life is out of control? Give me a break.
Going from place to place, being dragged around by Samantha so she can make more money off of Lindsay being there when she spins.

She's gone from making $7 million to less than a million a movie. Who's out of control? I go to church. I go and help people in rehab. That's control. How can she say I'm out of control? I want Lindsay to be in a good place. When I started looking at what Samantha was doing, dragging Lindsay to clubs, drinking around Lindsay .

Samantha is one of the biggest problems in her life.That's what Dina told me. I'm reacting on what Dina said, but then Dina steps out of the picture because she wants to look like the good guy. Dina's a two-face. She wants to try to look good and stay on Lindsay's good side instead of being a good parent. I don't give two hoots about my relationship with Lindsay as a friend. One day she's going to turn around to me and tell me, 'Daddy, you were right.?

I can't look at this dude's face anymore so above we have a picture that represents him to a T.


Anonymous said...

Oh Jewels, that picture is hysterical...and perfect!

Wonder what church he goes to...Church of the Insanely Misguided.

Anonymous said...

usually i skip over what these people say cause they ramble quite a bit, but i read this one and it doesn't seem bad. i agree with him about not being lindsay's friend and being her father. and i don't doubt that dina is saying on thing to him and another to lindsay. i do disagree with him saying all this shit publicly though, but some people don't realize it's best not to air out your laundry

Anonymous said...

what a jackass for sure..he needs to shut the hole and grab a life of his own and stop trying to relish off of his kids