Friday, October 31, 2008

Sarah Supports

Sarah Jessica Parker volunteered for the Obama campaign in New York making calls to undecided voters in the New York area.


Anonymous said...

FRIGGIN' ITS NAZIS blocked my palenaspresident site. I guess I'll have to go over there and find out who I have to blow to have these restrictions removed!

Anonymous said...

You want Palen as president Hoops?

Did you know she can see Russia from her house?

Anonymous said...

Obama all the way on my part...

Anonymous said...

NO! There is a site called palenaspresident that totally makes fun of her. You click on things and she says stupid stuff. They update almost daily. It is funny check it out.

Ya, I heard her say that. She also wants to take rights away from women and doesn't believe in evolution. Also, she is a member NRA.

Anonymous said...

Wish that you could vote down here, Jana.

Anonymous said...

How is it looking Hoops. From up here all reports point to Obama for sure....then again Gore was supposed to beat Bush until someone in your neck of the wods forgot how to count;)

Anonymous said...

This morning I heard on the radio that Obama is up by 13 points. A Republican friend of mine voted yesterday and voted for Obama which is a good sign but this ignorant woman that I work with is voting for the first time in her life (she is 47) to vote against Obama because he is black! Racism is alive and well here in Florida and many other southern and not southern states. I finally got my mother to stop saying the n word.

I am hopeful. McCain's choice of Palin hurt him along with not knowing how many houses he owns and thinking $200,000 a year is average.

Oy, don't get me started...too late. Thanks for asking.

Check out this video. It is funny.