Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Faith Hill Poor Loser at CMA

Faith Hill was not happy about losing to Carrie Underwood at the CMA last night. She was quite the diva.


Anonymous said...

Can anyone see a pic here or is it just me???
Not a fan of Faith, Bud??

JEWELS said...

JanJan-it's a video, I don't think you can get them in Toronto East, because Liza can't get them either.

JEWELS said...

Keagan called her JANJAN for a minute there and I thought it was GD hilarious! Kinda stuck for me!

Anonymous said...

Did Bud just make a reference about watching Sex and the City and then quote from the show??

JEWELS said...

Yo go bud!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bud I am a fan of the show and am also anxiously awaiting the movie I was just unaware that you were as well..OMG do you have a crush on Wentworth as well..Bud he's mine