Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Baby Shower

Some pics from inside Nicole Richies baby shower. Cute, yeah, but that cake?
It was a Wizard of Oz themed baby shower and hey..I'm the queen of a good theme, but the cakes message doesn't really make sense.
There's No Place Like Having A Baby at Home
I don't get it. Maybe it's just bad grammar and she's planning on having a home birth? Maybe Paris wrote it...who knows.
The cake's hot though...minus the saying.


Anonymous said...

in the movie Dot said "there's no place like home, there's no place like home" so it's a take off of that by adding the "having a baby at"....

JEWELS said...

yeah I understand that but it's badly worded, it should have been

"There's no place like home when having a baby"

They should never have broke up the saying.

I'm getting far to into this.

Anonymous said...

ah, you switched that around perfectly!! i was trying to think of what they should have said (cause i agree that the cake is poorly worded), but you've done it for me! good job lol

Anonymous said...

LMAO!! I'm sure Julie knew about the movie line J-Dog.... lol

JEWELS said...

I was also thinking...

"There's no place like home, Joel looks like a ghnome"

I don't think that would have gone over well though.

Anonymous said...

bud the way it is worded it didn't seem like Julie got the line from the movie..I was just trying to be a pal that's all

Anonymous said...

why has no one mentioned the boobes in the first pic.. WHOA (as joey lawerence would say - by the way what happened to him?? haha)

JEWELS said...

LMAO! Joey Lawrence...the hotness back in the day.

Anonymous said...

what about her make-up?!?! I looked at her boobs first and then her make-up stole my attention....a white dress and gothic make-up is not cool