Thursday, November 15, 2007

Driving Ms. Dizzy

So word is Britney's team is going to blame the traces of amphetamine on her ADD medication. What does she take for ADD? Meth?

I would love to know how long she's been taking this medication and why it's never shown up before.

The pic above is not old, it's Brit just as she was running over another papz foot last night. I sympathize with that though...I hate when people don't get out of the way of a car. MOVE JACKASS!



Anonymous said...

WTF-so she taking ADD medication, narcalepsy medication, and asthma meds-she's going so downhil so fast-pretty tragic for all involved-she needs a real shake or slap in the head.

Anonymous said...

I don't slow down for people who are in my way either...